Godparent Form

Godparent Form

Congratulations!! Being selected to serve as a Godparent or Christian Witness is a great honor! Please complete the following form for our records.

Godparent Requirements:

Canon 873-874 §1:

To be permitted to take on the function of Sponsor/Godparent a person must:

  • Be designated by the parents
  • Be at least 16 years old
  • Be a fully-initiated Catholic (received Baptism, Communion, and Confirmation)
  • Lead a life of faith in keeping with the function to be taken
  • Not be bound by any canonical penalty legitimately imposed or declared
  • Not be the father or mother of the one to be baptized

One Godparent is required. If there are two, one must be male and one female.

A validly baptized non-Catholic may stand as a Christian Witness so long as there is a valid Godparent.

Godparent Name
Godparent Name
First Name
Last Name
I am...
Home Parish / Church
Home Parish / Church
Parish/Church Name
City, State

Please note:

We must verify that a person meets the requirements to serve as a Catholic Godparent. A Christian Witness may serve alongside a Catholic Godparent.

If you are a fully-initiated Catholic, and you are not a parishioner at St. Charles, we will need verification that you have received the Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation. There are multiple ways to provide verification:

1. Letter from your pastor
This is common and churches typically have a form that a person may fill out to request a letter from your pastor stating that you meet the requirements)

2. Baptismal Certificate
A Baptismal certificate that is updated to include the appropriate notation for your Confirmation is sufficient.

You are welcome to use whichever method is most convenient for you! If you have any questions or would like assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to Anna Flaitz: or 585-663-8000.

By submitting this form, I attest that, to my knowledge, the information I have provided is true and complete.